Thursday, February 21, 2013

Ray Bradbury talks about the importance of writing and submitting persistently.
He talks about how he kept getting rejections but kept writing and submitting anyway. Finally, he had a short story published and even though he didn't get paid for it, he could now say he was a published writer when submitting elsewhere. He talks about his breakthrough short story, "The Lake," and it was then that he realized what he wrote for himself, was his best work. As a writer, and more specifically, a poet, writing persistently is important to me. Bradbury is encouraging to listen to, since he, too, had so many rejections, yet his persistence finally paid off. I know from experience, that you have to keep up with not only writing but submitting for publication. Eventually, you will find your audience. Not only that, but writing daily will make you a better writer. As you go through the process, you become more aware of what works and what doesn't.

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